
Customer Testimonials

What our customers think....

"Just to say the spinner worked very well, sited well at the venue, we sold far more of our range at an event following its arrival, so the spinner works better than just the flat racks. Thanks again  Gordon"

"The sale of postcards in our Heritage Centre took on a spurt once we’d cleared the heaps off the counter surface and loaded the display. Thanks” http://www.mardenhistory.org.uk

"Sales of cards have doubled since purchasing the last stand from you a few weeks ago, really pleased with the quality".  Dave from Architectural Store Ross

The Christmas market was a huge success and your wooden displays helped make our product shine! We had a couple of people comment on how nice and unique the racks were. 

The racks now live in the front entrance of our studio space. The wood goes so nicely with all of the wood features in our studio - you’ll understand why we absolutely had to have them! Bringing the displays into our front entrance has really helped to make the space feel complete. Thank you again for all your help in making sure that we received the displays - we really appreciate it and are so happy with them!  Belinda, Porchlightpress, Canada

Just received my wire rack and It's BRILLIANT! Thank you so much :)

That's great service from you. Definitely 10 out of 10.

Hiya, Just to confirm receipt of the x4 table-top cardboard card display stands. They're just exactly what I was hoping for! I might order another lot soon. Will be back to you again in the new year to order some floor-standing displays or similar!  George

"Yayyyy! Just thought I'd let you know, it's arrived! Fantastic stuff, thank you! 

I'm not sure what to do first... Load it with cards and postcards, or turn the box into an awesome TARDIS costume ?

"Thank you very much for super-fast actions, we highly appreciate it!"

"Thank you for your email it is nice to see that there are companies out there that do care about their products"

"Your stands are far superior to my last supplier, the engineering of the re-design is superb. Dealing with the staff at Wire Fittings is a pleasure, friendly but professional. I am really looking forward to working with them"

"They are far superior to the stands we bought from China. This reflects a lot better on us and if the stands are more robust, customers are less likely to damage them or throw them away." ( Brand Leading Supplier of garden Products)

"The other 4 stands arrived today, I could not believe it, thanking you very much for sending them, let me know what I owe you and I will fix up.
Just to mention the stands are fabulous and of exceptional quality so just to say thanking you very much I am delighted with them." (Card publisher in Ireland)

"I am absolutely DELIGHTED with my first order of jewellery display stands. They are exactly what I had in mind and the quality is second to none." (Craft Designer)

Here are some of the comments from our website sales:-

"Best value overall after looking at various products"

"I need another card spinner and find the company responsive"

"easy to use website, clear descriptions and photos"

"compact card display for craft fairs"

"You had what I wanted :)"

"quality product"

"best stand to display my Jewellery at craft fairs/festivals"

"I've already purchased one before and am thrilled with it"

"price, choice, colour option"